Schkinny Maninny Juice Detox Programs

The Schkinny Maninny Nutritional Juice Cleanse is a cold pressed juice detox program designed to assist clearing your body of nasty toxins, help kick start your metabolism and get you feeling awesome.
Schkinny Maninny deliver fresh each day to your doorstep in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, Monday to Friday.
During the program you get 6 fresh juices/soups/smoothies made from fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, delivered fresh every day for your 3 or 5 day program. The 6 juices each day meet your daily energy requirements, containing about 1700 calories across the day (including natural fats, carbs and proteins). The juices are designed to be had in a specific order based on your digestion patterns, and each juice has certain cleansing, healing, protective and regenerative properties from its all natural ingredients.
Schkinny Nutritional juices are 500mls each, and they contain a range of different fruit and vegetables – anything from apples, oranges, melons, cucumber, spinach, parsley, mint, lentils, beetroot, lemons, almonds, linseeds, cashew nuts and everything in between!
You only have these juices, herbal teas and lots of water. Each day Schkinny Maninny give you a little container of seeds to chew on (this will get your jaws moving so you don’t miss chewing too much!)
Gastrology tried out the 3 day “Just Juice Cleanse” and the 3 day “Low Fruit Just Juice Cleanse”.
The “Just Juice Cleanse” enables you to enjoy a combination of cold pressed fruit and vegetable juices and green smoothies, topped off with a raw cold pressed nut milk smoothie night cap.
The “Low Fruit Just Juice Cleanse” is very much the same except you will be enjoying a combination of mostly vegetable juice.
Each day we received a “Cleanse Buddy” guide, together with daily email information updates of our specific Schkinny Nutritional Cleanse program. These have some really useful information on what the body is going through so there are no surprises!
As part of the 3 day Cleanse, we also received a little starter gift bag. This includes some detox tea bags, a detox bath soak, and a tub of psyllium husk for added fibre.
Every morning, the juices arrived like clockwork. We’ll be honest, it wasn’t easy...
The first day was particularly challenging. Being avid coffee drinkers, the lack of caffeine caused headaches (but nothing too bad). Looking at food or others indulging in food was painful. So, if you get on the program we suggest staying away from pictures of food or talking to people about food!
The second day was easier but we both felt tired and worn out. A sinking empty feeling was upon us and we could feel the emptiness hit the pit of our stomach and the back of our throats. Temptation was harder today.
We’re both feeling pretty damn good. There is an increased sense of taste and appreciation of taste. Whilst we feel an amazing sense of accomplishment at this point, our mind is still thinking about food and in particular what we will eat as our first meal post cleanse!
The program is over! We both felt cleaner and lighter. We both felt a heightened appreciation for food and flavours. Our skins felt brighter and we were in good spirits.
Get on it!
Find out more about Schkinny Maninny here.