The Meatball & Wine Bar's new Breakfast Menu

Since opening, The Meatball & Wine Bar has delivered over 80 varieties of special meatballs to accompany its steadfast menu of delectable balls and continues to develop delectable new meatball recipes each and every week.
We were exicted to hear that there is now a new breakfast offering which, consistent with it's lunch and dinner menu, is delightfully simple and uncomplicated - Think delicious toasties, home-made crumpets and even a Virgin Mary!
We particularly enjoyed the Bolognese, mushroom with pork sausage toastie (which you can order for $10 and includes a coffee!). Crusty bread encapusulates delicious artisan meatballs slathered in heaty bolognese. It's beautiful.
Be sure to grab breakfast by the balls, we know you want to.