Murray Valley Pork Loin | The 6-2-2- method

Gastrology recently trialed the "6-2-2" cooking method using a beautiful Murray Valley Pork Loin. The method ensures easy to cook juicy tender pork steaks in just 10 minutes!
Here's how you do it:
- Take a 2 cm steak (such as the loin, sirloin, scotch fillet, porterhouse or medallion).
- Pre-heat a pan, griddle pan or barbeque plate on just like you would for any other steak.
- Place the steak onto preheated cooking surface and cook without turning for 6 minutes.
- Turn once and cook for a further 2 minutes. This method will cook the steak to just white. If you prefer your steak to be a little pink, simply reduce the cooking time.
- Take the steak out of the pan without flipping over and rest on a plate for 2 minutes. Resting is critical to ensure optimum tenderness.
Just remember: 6 minutes on one side, 2 minutes on the other and 2 minutes to rest = the 10 minute pork steak!