Recipe: Jura coffee ice cream and espresso mudslide

We love using our Jura Ena 8 and love the delicious coffees we get to enjoy. We’ve also been experimenting with a few recipes. Here are two of our favourites that we are sure every coffee lover will enjoy!

Recipe: 3 ingredient no churn coffee ice cream

Serves 4


  • 3 shots of espresso from our Jura Ena 8

  • 250 ml heavy cream

  • 175 ml sweetened condensed milk


  1. Set aside the espresso to cool.

  2. Beat the cream with a mixer until thickened. Stir in the cooled coffee, sweetened condensed milk and freeze overnight.

  3. Take out approximately 20 minutes before serving. Enjoy!

Recipe: Jura espresso mudslide

Serves 2


  • 2 shots of espresso from our Jura Ena 8

  • 2 shots Irish cream

  • 3 shots vodka

  • ice


  1. Mix ice, cooled espresso, Irish cream and vodka and shake for 10 seconds and pour into glasses.

  2. Top with coffee ice cream. Enjoy!